We believe we are at a tipping point for our country and there needs to be a counter movement to the very motivated, organized, and well-funded efforts of the evil doctrines that threaten our safety, prosperity, rights and freedoms. They say "silence is a virtue" however they use our virtues against us to gain control of our institutions, communities, and lives. While we have been polite and silent, they have been loud and organized. Many feel isolated, weak, and powerless against this loud minority. The "silent majority" has led to disastrous results for our country and community by being apathetic and saying things like "all I can do is vote”. Some of us do not even do that. We convince ourselves that we have "good excuses”, such as avoiding conflict and confrontation or hurt feelings. This “silence” has led to many individuals in our community not feeling safe to express their beliefs and opinions because they fear being bullied, censored, boycotted, shamed, terminated, and even physically harmed. Worse are the virtue signalers who are only concerned about their superficial moral and social standing, falling over each other trying to be more politically correct than the other. Even the innocent act of putting a campaign sign in the yard, running for school board, or a student disagreeing with a teacher’s political bias is feared. These reasons, fears, and threats are real; however, silence means acceptance and only exacerbates the disease. Silence in the face of lies is the reason we continue to head down a path many of us do not want to go. Hope is not a strategy. At some point you need to get educated, engaged, speak the Truth and SHOW UP.
We believe our government has crossed the line by mandating how we will live our lives and what our morals should be under the guise of "protecting" the people. It's OK to protect the people, but never at the expense of violating our Constitutional Rights. You can see this with attempts to eliminate our right to keep and bears arms, implementation of mask and vaccine mandates, disregard of voting laws, racist "woke" doctrines, increased tax burdens, and the censorship of narratives that do not support government agendas.
"Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives"
Ronald Regan
Mission: Give people the courage to no longer be silent, to speak the Truth and show up when called (aka Modern Day Minutemen).
“and accordingly, all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government.”
The Declaration of Independence
Strategy: Our strategy is simple. Build a network of informed and engaged individuals who have the courage to no longer be silent and be active the process of self-governing.
"I know of no safe depositor of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with wholesome discretion (freedom of choice), the remedy is NOT to take it from them, but inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power"
Thomas Jefferson
The logo honors those who have fought for our freedom past, present and future. Many gave the ultimate sacrifice, which we can never forget. We feel our "Flag" is under attack, falling, and needs to be caught and raised again. As civilian patriots, we need to do our part to save the flag and what it represents against the forces who want to tear it down. We all need to do our part and make some sacrifices to protect the values and traditions of this exceptional nation.
Patriot: A person who loves their country and solemnly swears that they will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Patriots have courage that comes from the Truth. Patriots put their trust in God and each other not the government.
The minutemen of 1776 were individuals who were busy working their farms, running their businesses, going to church on Sunday, and raising their families just like many of us are today. However, when called, they would show up to support and protect their communities. We use the catchphrase "Modern Day Minutemen" not to imply physical force but to indicate we need to show up.
It means:
Started in March of 2021, the Patriots of Ozaukee County (POZ) began as a small group of concerned individuals who were deeply concerned with such things as mask mandates, vax bullying, defunding the police, election fraud, CRT/DEI in our schools, the inaction of our elected officials, and the overall insanity seen across our country. While all of this was happening and in many cases our rights were being violated, people did not have the courage to speak up, to say no, to not comply, to put a Trump sign in their yard, to show up or run for office. The Patriots of Ozaukee County were formed for one simple mission. To give people the courage to no longer be silent and show up when called. We realized doing nothing, remaining polite and silent was not an option. The disease needs to be stop. We needed to get educated and informed and to start showing up.
We came to the realization that our frustration should be directed at ourselves and not at blaming others. It's our fault for the situation we found ourselves in. We were "fat and happy" and let this happen on our watch.
As we formed the Patriots of Ozaukee County, we decided not to be affiliated with any political party, as we realized this is not a political battle but a battle between good and evil, freedom and tyranny. In many ways, both political parties are more of the problem than the solution. Their goal has always been about obtaining power at the expense of We the People, when it's We the People who should have the power - we elect them to work for us.
Today, we are a network of individuals who are committed to each other to get educated, get engaged, no longer remain silent, and to SHOW UP when called.
Copyright © 2023 Patriots of Ozaukee County - All Rights Reserved.