We are working to get our election guide for the April 1 election published ASAP.
If you live in Wisconsin or the Cedarburg School District you NEED to vote Tuesday, February 18. There is a primary for the Cedarburg Schoolboard and the Superintendent of Public Instruction (aka DPI).
The terms are up for David Krier, Laura Stroebel and Elizabeth Charland who have stood strong against the attacks to implement "woke" and DEI-based ideologies into one of the top performing school districts in Wisconsin. However, after many years of service, David Krier has decided not to run for re-election and filed noncandidacy papers. Stroebel and Charland are running for re-election.
These primary elections have very low turnouts, so it is imperative that we spread the word and GET THE VOTE OUT. With only 3 candidates we can confidently endorse, it is critical we help get all 3 (Demczak, Charland, Stroebel) into the next round for the April 1 general election.
Vote for not more than (3) three:
There are (3) three candidates running to head up the Department of Instruction (DPI) as the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. This role not only impacts education in WI, which is failing in many areas but also impacts our taxes.
Vote for (1) one:
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