We have remained a "silent majority" far too long resulting in the perilous situation we find ourselves in today. While we put our faith in God and each other, there are those who put their faith in government and willing to hand over their freedoms and yours as well.
"The people are stupid, suspicious, licentious. They cannot safely trust themselves. When they have established government, they should think of nothing but obedience, leaving the care of their liberties to their wiser rulers". Madison. December 20, 1792. (Pp 69-70, "The Tyranny of the Printers"
That is why we can no longer afford to be silent and are asking for all Patriots to make your voices heard by writing to elected officials at all levels including school boards, city and county councils, state assemblymen and senators, and US congressmen. Patriots also need to engage by writing to community papers and political parties, posting on websites and on social media. Consider writing press releases for conservative activities, community bulletin boards and everywhere else we can articulate our principles.
“Speech, writing, and printing are the great directors of public opinion, and public opinion is the great director of human action. Give to any set of men the command of the press, and you give them the command of the country." - Judge Alexander Addison August 1802 (p 119, "The Tyranny of the Printers".
Below are some worth commentaries. Please lean and enjoy!
“A Republic, if you can keep it” is a quote from Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, and is a response to the question that was directed to him as he departed Independence Hall at the Constitutional Convention in 1787; the question was, “Well Doctor, what have we got, a Republic, or a Monarchy?” Benjamin Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” The quote mentioned above from Benjamin Franklin is particularly important for the present time as we get closer to our Wisconsin Primary election on August 13th, and then move toward the General election on November 5th. Awareness is critical!
Awareness is critical! Primaries are important!
It is essential that voters do independent research, especially for the upcoming August 13th Primary election.
Voters need to know that the district maps have changed. This is an opportunity to get new representation in the Wisconsin legislature. For those calling for term limits, the time is now. There are new candidates running, and in many districts, there is more than one candidate on the ballot representing a political party. There are candidates that were serving in other districts who now have been “drawn” into a different district due to the district map changes. These candidates are not incumbents for the new district. *Find your district at maps.legis.wisconsin.gov
Voters need to know that there are 3 Republican candidates running for U.S. Senator, all 3 have been approved through the same approval process, however, only 1 candidate is being promoted by the state Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW) and by most county Republican parties. Charles Barman, Eric Hovde, and Rejani Raveendran are the 3 approved U.S. Senate candidates for Wisconsin. *Check out these candidates, see their answers to survey questions at ivoterguide.com
Voters need to know that several approved Republican Senate and Assembly district candidates throughout the state who went through the same approval process, are not being equally supported and promoted by some of the county parties. In many cases there is a lack of campaign materials being made available for these candidates. *Please contact individual candidates to obtain materials and information.
Voters need to know that the RPW is funding mailers and media ads for selected Republican candidates, even in races where there are 2 or more Republicans on the ballot for the same race. This is done in part via the Republican Assembly Campaign Committee (RACC) Political Action Committee (PAC), and the Campaign to Elect a Republican Senator (CERS) Political Action Committee (PAC). *More information can be found at transparencyusa.org/wi/
Voters need to know that an organization called Stronger Wisconsin Fund has spent over $400,000 since its registration with the Wisconsin Ethics Commission on July 12, 2024 to promote negative propaganda pieces and send via mailers, online ads, radio and tv commercials, text messages and calls to voters in various districts throughout the state where new grassroots conservatives are running against an incumbent or a newly drawn currently serving legislator from another district. Stronger Wisconsin Fund is also spending thousands of dollars to promote candidates who are on record to have received campaign donations from Democracy Found Action, an organization pushing Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) sometimes called Instant Runoff/Final Five Voting in Wisconsin. Please thoroughly investigate the information, there is a goal to keep certain legislators in place.
Voters need to know that there are 2 important Constitutional Amendment Referenda questions on the August 13th Primary ballot.
Be an informed voter!
Be sure to make an informed choice, a right and duty you have as a citizen of this GREAT CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC because AWARENESS IS CRITICAL. Let us also remember the warning from Benjamin Franklin when he responded to the question regarding what form of government we have, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation, under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
Please Vote on August 13th
Just when you think that you’ve seen it all. Just when you think that A-Zero-C is as stupid as a politician can get, they raise the bar. Again.
Kamala Harris for President? Really? On the surface you’d think that this is a strategic error forced upon the Dems by a suddenly brain-dead incumbent President. And that it’s a slam-dunk victory for Trump. Doesn’t this sound like the next “Red Wave”? Yeah, right. I’d like to point out that “suddenly” brain dead was never the case and knowing how the Dems work, it was fully planned for.
Does having a second brain-dead candidate hinder the Dems or does it play into their plans? They certainly want to win the election and they have already elected a zombie once. And maybe they don’t want to risk having a President, who just might think for himself? Can’t have a President telling Nancy what to do.
I previously have stated that “Kommie can’t win.” And, that she would not be the nominee because “she can’t win.” In a normal world without ELECTION CHEATING in places like WISCONSIN that would be a given. But those who are pulling the strings seem to either be betting differently or are playing a long game and foregoing 2024. But I can’t get past the Dems risking another 4 years of Trump and the damage that he could do to the SWAMP. That leaves us with two possible scenarios.
The first is that Kommie will in fact, NOT be the FINAL nominee. Maybe she will succumb to another failure of the Secret Service? There certainly is a Director in place ready to take the fall. Maybe some embarrassing video of ……of something too disgusting to mention here will pop up? The possibilities are endless.
The second scenario is that the Dems are totally confident in “winning” all of the needed swing states with VOTER FRAUD. We know that thanks to Robbin,’ Meagan and the WEC, Wisconsin is already in the bag. Could the others be far behind?
So, Mr. Trump, what say you? Are you smarter than the average Republican?
We sure hope so.
For Comment: hotjack@hotgovernment.com
Telegram: https://t.me/HOTGovernmentHOTJack
H.O.T. Jack’s observations and opinions are shared with you by, but not edited by, POZ or H.O.T. Government and so do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of POZ or H.O.T. Government.
Printed in the January 2024 News Graphic & Ozaukee Press
This past week, two joint resolutions were voted on in the Wisconsin State Legislature regarding election integrity: 1.) a resolution that would prohibit state and local governments from using privately sourced money (aka “Zuckerbucks”) to “conduct” elections and 2.) a resolution stating that only a United States Citizen can vote in elections. The other important aspect of these resolutions is that, if passed, they will be presented to “We the People” for final ratification as amendments to the Wisconsin State Constitution on a statewide ballot in 2024. As legislators, regardless of your stance on these resolutions, why would you vote against allowing “We the People” to make that decision? In Ozaukee County we are represented by two WI State Senators, Dan Knodl and Duey Stroebel and three WI State Representatives, Deb Andraca, Paul Melotik and Rob Brooks. I would like to thank Knodl, Stroebel, Melotik and Brooks for their YES votes and ask why Andraca voted NO. Why didn’t she, as an elected representative of the people, vote to give the people the power to make this important decision? Is she against self-governance and the concept of “We the People” being allowed to have the final say in adding amendments to our state constitution?
Printed in the November 16th News Graphic
This past week, two joint resolutions were voted on in the Wisconsin State Legislature regarding election integrity: 1.) a resolution that would prohibit state and local governments from using privately sourced money (aka “Zuckerbucks”) to “conduct” elections and 2.) a resolution stating that only a United States Citizen can vote in elections. The other important aspect of these resolutions is that, if passed, they will be presented to “We the People” for final ratification as amendments to the Wisconsin State Constitution on a statewide ballot in 2024. As legislators, regardless of your stance on these resolutions, why would you vote against allowing “We the People” to make that decision? In Ozaukee County we are represented by two WI State Senators, Dan Knodl and Duey Stroebel and three WI State Representatives, Deb Andraca, Paul Melotik and Rob Brooks. I would like to thank Knodl, Stroebel, Melotik and Brooks for their YES votes and ask why Andraca voted NO. Why didn’t she, as an elected representative of the people, vote to give the people the power to make this important decision? Is she against self-governance and the concept of “We the People” being allowed to have the final say in adding amendments to our state constitution?
This was written in response to a person's op-ed that was published October 2023 in the Ozaukee Press.
A critically important statement from Benjamin Franklin for the present day. “A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.”
I agree with the writer’s statement in the article titled, “Bring back civics teaching—for the sake of democracy” on the Opinion page in the Ozaukee Press dated October 19, 2023, that “the biggest threat to its survival may be ignorance.” The quote above in the title of my letter, “A Republic, if you can keep it” is from Benjamin Franklin, and is a response to the question that was directed to him as he departed Independence Hall at the Constitutional Convention in 1787; the question was, “Well Doctor, what have we got, a Republic, or a Monarchy?” Benjamin Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
I also agree with the writer’s statement that “half the people who are governed don’t have a clue about how it works, and that most Americans would flunk the U.S. Citizenship exam.” For example, direct the following questions to people you encounter; what are the three branches of government, which branch if any has more power than the others, and if so, why? How many would answer, the three branches of American government are Executive, Judicial, and Legislative, with the Legislative branch holding more power than the others because it is closest to “We The People”, and “We The People” hold the most power. Another question to ask others is, why did our founding fathers create a Republic and not a Democracy? The answer is found in a quote from James Madison in The Federalist Papers #10 and #51, “Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security and the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” In addition, how many Americans are aware that each year on September 17, “Constitution Day”, many schools are required to teach The Constitution? This is the day commemorating that historic day in 1787, that the founders signed the most influential document in American history, The Constitution. The answers you receive to the questions noted above may surprise you and support the need to get back to teaching American History in schools across America with a focus on the founding documents such as the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution.
The writer of the article also mentions curriculums supporting Critical Race Theory (CRT), now often termed Social Emotional Learning (SEL). For in-depth facts regarding these programs, please do independent research. I suggest searching for Carol M. Swain online at carolmswain.com and following her works and writings. “Dr. Carol M. Swain is an award-winning political scientist, a former professor of political science and professor of law at Vanderbilt University, and a lifetime member of the James Madison Society, an international community of scholars affiliated with the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University.” In Wisconsin, Dr. Duke Pesta has volumes of information relating to the beginnings of these teachings, as well as how it directly correlates to Wisconsin K-12 Public Schools and the Wisconsin University System. “Dr. Pesta is an associate professor of English at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. He received his M.A. in Renaissance Literature from John Carroll University and his PhD in Shakespeare and Renaissance Literature from Purdue University.” You can find more information at freedomproject.com.
Regarding the writer’s comment referencing the PEW Research Center study where “51% of Americans are dissatisfied with how democracy works and 46% would be amenable to living under other forms of government including rule by an individual leader,” could this be that 46% of Americans would be open to living under a Monarchy or Dictatorship whereby Socialism and Communism policies are in place?
I certainly hope people are now opening their eyes and doing independent research. If more people go back to the founding documents and study them, they will be better educated about how to move forward in their communities throughout America. To help facilitate information regarding The Constitution and other critically important documents that were created as a framework for America, the Patriots of Ozaukee are hosting a “Constitution Alive” course, free to attendees, currently held in Saukville on Wednesday evenings from 6-8 PM. Attend any class session, free! Connect with others in the community and become better informed! More information can be found at patriotsofoz.us.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation, under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
“A Republic, if you can keep it.”
Marine Capt. P.J. Glavey delivered this message during the 2023 Cedarburg American Legion Memorial Day ceremony.
I’ve given speeches many times in my life. From giving orders in the Marine Corps — to the tons of fundraisers and public events that just come with the territory when you get injured. But this speech, today, weighed on me more than them all. I’m asked to stand before you, to give words that honor those who gave, what Lincoln called, the last full measure of devotion.
And, when I spent time thinking about the Marines I knew who died — it was a hard thing to come to terms with. Because I stand here, knowing full well, that the country many of those men died to obtain and preserve, in many ways, no longer exists. It is a harsh, but true reality. How do we honor their memory, and their sacrifice today, knowing that, if we were to pull them from their graves, they would be, just as I and the Marines I served with are, quite often, shocked at the nation that stands before us.
I’m rather fond of a book called "Democracy in America." It stems from the year 1831, when a man by the name of Alexis de Tocqueville and his associate, Gustave de Beaumont, were sent by the French government to study our prison system.
But they took the opportunity to spend their time studying American society as well. And what they concluded was extremely poignant … Tocqueville writes: "I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her fertile fields and boundless forests, and it was not there. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her public school system and her institutions of learning, and it was not there. I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution, and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.
America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great."
Now, I’m not a political person.
And I’m certainly not here to point figures at anyone — life down here is tough enough as it is — and I know that all too well. And I’m certainly not interested in being hypocritical.
I’m not a good person — I’m just a forgiving person.
But I think we can relatively agree that there was a time when America exported some of the best traits to the world, and now, arguably, we export many of the worst. Today, our harbors and rivers are more filled the trappings of an idolatrous and materialistic society than of noble trade. Our fertile fields more often bring forth genetically modified crops and the commerce we export is most often filth from Hollywood, the fashion industry, popular culture and rampant materialistic, self-serving garbage.
Our public schools teach children they come from a cosmic bang and monkeys, rather than the precious truths that they are born in the image of GOD. Our leaders are often self-serving; our legal system more often fails to honor and put first the principles of God, justice and mercy.
And our places of worship export abominable prosperity gospels to every corner of the Earth.
So again, I’m left to ask, how can we truly honor those men that died fighting for things so precious — men that died near the Potomac, so that a nation could stand up in the world and proclaim, "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights." How do we honor men who died in places like Gettysburg and Kennesaw, to end slavery? A nation that once said, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." A nation that fought to free the Jews in Europe, tempered the soul crushing yolk of communism and set free the captives of satanic regimes and crushing fundamentalism.
I stand here before you, to submit to you, that only by humbling ourselves in prayer, and seeking first HIS KINGDOM — HIS GLORY — and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS — will we ever give ample gratitude to their sacrifices.
Let us individually, and corporately, return to GOD — and HIS MESSIAH — YASHUA HAMASHIACH ADONAI — King JESUS — who has come, who is, and who will one day rule again from David’s throne. Let us turn to HIM in prayer. And in that prayer, let us turn our hearts to others. Let us turn our hearts and minds to the God of our fathers — and use that strength to strengthen those around us. Not on new toys and bigger houses and better restaurants and more things, but on the things which GOD holds dear — HIS love — HIS glory — HIS MESSIAH HIS justice — HIS ways — HIS mercy and HIS peace.
In this, let us honor the sacrifice of the men and women who died fighting for this great country we call home.
May God bless us in this. May God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America.
Thank you.
Published: News Graphic - May 16, 2022
While reading the editorial sections, the sanctimony of those demanding more gun control and their false narratives hit me like one of those bricks thrown during the “peaceful protests”. As of writing this letter, 82 people have been killed with a firearm in Milwaukee this year alone and hundreds more across the country. So why the outcry now? Some are asking for common sense gun control laws like making it 21 vs 18 to purchase a rifle or red flag laws. How many of the 81 lives would have been saved? I guess some lives do not matter. How many lives did all the COVID mandates save vs. destroy? This is also becoming more apparent and well-documented. The people who want to take away our gun rights to protect us are the same people who want to defund the police, release dangerous criminals, have wide open borders, and legalize drugs. Is this about saving lives, protecting our children, and preventing the destruction of families or something else? Why should we listen to these people? Do they have any credibility? Why should we hand more power and control to those who seem to do more harm than good? Its staring us right in the face, but some of us still do not see the lie. They use our virtues against us to transfer our freedoms to their power and control. If something is not adding up, it’s because it does not. We need real solutions to lower the amount of violence in our communities not the false hopes served up by some of our politicians. Beware those who offer security in exchange for freedom. They are wolves in sheep's clothing.
America has been experiencing civil strife on a scale that rivals the Civil Rights era; accusations of America being a fundamentally racist country abound and charges of “white supremacy” are everywhere. In the media, we are seeing fights break out during school board meetings in Loudoun County Virginia[1] (2021) where hundreds of parents flood auditoriums, accusing schools of teaching that America is systemically racist and providing sexualized content to their children, which the school board denies. There are news reports that Critical Race Theory is not being taught in classrooms, claiming it to be panicked dialogue[2] that does not reflect reality. Further claims from media outlets explain that Critical Race Theory is hysteria from the right[3] (2021) on academic legal framework that analyzes structural racism. Who is right and what really is happening, what is Critical Race Theory, and should I be concerned is the question on many parents mind. These claims have moved their way into Wisconsin school boards and classrooms[4] (2021), so it’s time to take a good look at the claims, and why you should be concerned.
We take a look at what is Critical Race Theory (CRT), and then better understand it’s inherent controversy across America. Critical Race Theory is a radical, Marxist-inspired ideology that came into being in the 1970’s and initially found an entry point largely into the confines of academia[5] (2021). After the fall of the Soviet Union and the failed systems of 8 different Socialist countries which demonstrated poverty, tyranny, and a death count of about 100 million people[6], the Socialist system was not received in the Western industrial nations that had a growing middle class with no sense of class consciousness, and considered their rise to a better life was through hard work, good citizenship, and education. In response to this evident economic and social failure, critical theorists updated their theory, developing a new entry point which they found in the social and racial unrest of the 1960’s. Abandoning the economic dialectic of the working class rise over the bourgeoisie class and replacing it to the new racial dialectic between whites and colored persons, critical race theory came into being and made it’s way into largely the academic arenas. Radical movements such as the Black Panthers came into being during this time, and soon died out when the Martin Luther King Civil Rights movement under the law came into being. However, over the course of 30 years, the radical left became disillusioned with equality under the law and the poor outcomes of anti-poverty laws. Intellectuals on the left went back to the drawing board to resurrect strands of Marxist thought from previous generations. In the 1990’s Critical Race Theory came into formation by building on the framework of identity politics and critical theory[7]. While it sometimes is labeled as Critical Race Theory, it is nowadays typically referenced under a series of euphemisms such as equity, social justice, diversity and inclusion, microaggressions, and culturally responsive teaching[8]. By design, today’s critical race theorists, such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, are masters of language construction because they know that neo-marxism would be a hard sell to the American public. Critical race theory euphemisms such as equity sounds soft and were easily confused with American principles of equality that is codified into law in the Declaration of Independence, Fourteenth Amendment, Fifteenth Amendment, Civil Rights Act, and the Voting Rights Act. Also by design, they made their way first into elite institutions such as Harvard through writings of “Godfather of CRT” Derrick Bell, in order to reach the elite and gain power. CRT spends no time at all assessing actual issues that affect poverty of the colored minority, and as a result the CRT pedagogy and teaching practices have no charitable efforts, but focus on divisions between race, claiming reparations for proclaimed racist inequalities, and stereotyping through claims of inherent racism which within time will offer no means of assistance to struggling minority communities. CRT considers equality under the law as camouflage for white supremacy and oppression, and they further attack overall Constitutional principles such as nondiscrimination, property rights, meritocracy, individual rights, school integration, and freedom of speech. CRTprinciples are in fact diametrically opposed to equality under a law that protects individual rights regardless of race. In contrast, CRT theorists use equity which seeks to suspend private property rights, seize land and wealth and redistribute them along racial lines as defined by Cheryl Harris’s article “Whiteness as Property”[9]. Their ultimate goal, as proposed by Ibram X. Kendi is to develop a government institution of Antiracism[10] (2021) that holds power to abolish, veto or nullify any law, silence the speech of intellectuals and political leaders that are not deemed antiracist, and overall this new department would be unaccountable to voters, the executive, and the legislature, developing into an all-powerful fourth branch of government that would end the federalist system[11]. According to Kendi, “In order to truly be antiracist, you also have to be truly anti-capitalist.” CRT is indeed a system aspiring to replace the system of federalism and capitalism, equality under the law, freedom of speech, and the Constitution, replacing it with a system of collectivism, resulting in a socialist revolution.
Shortly after the outbreaks of riots in response to the George Floyd in 2020, and other racially derived incidences, Ibram X. Kendi and the revised history of the 1619 Project has built momentum, managing to sneak its way into the U.S. federal government Department of Education in April 2021[12], as well as reeducation training programs to government departments[13], and further spread from universities into public school systems, teacher training programs, government agencies, and Corporate HR departments. A Department of Education-funded conference advocated for “abolition” of American institutions and told whites they must “give up” their “wealth.[14]” Due to public fear of speaking on sensitive issues such as race, Critical Race Theory is pushing it’s way through institutions far beyond academia, including the K through 12 schools. According to a recent gallop poll[15], 52 % of liberals, 64% of moderates, and 77% of conservatives are fearful of sharing political beliefs in public. They are all fearful of losing their job, or become publicly berated, so they stay quiet. This offers fertile ground for the most intolerant voices of Critical Race Theory, to install their ideology in public institutions. Equity and inclusion departments enforce their new orthodoxy and punish any dissent, creating a mouse trap where dissent is framed as white fragility, or unconscious bias, building principal disagreement into evidence of guilt and shaming. Their premise is indisputable as they pose that America has a history of racism, injustice, and slavery and that it is necessary to examine the relationship between racism and power in society. The conclusion is what brings controversy, hostility and overall is un-constitutional, as they manipulate and bully people to accept that America is systemically racist and must be overthrown through a moral, economic and political revolution.
When citizens witness the affects of Critical Race Theory, how do we move away from abstract disputes and towards practical efforts that address Critical Race Theory’s system of hostility in the classrooms? And where are we seeing these real-life disputes take hold and build change? Parents who witness the hidden schemes of Critical Race Theory in the classroom have to address the practical realities that violate individual Constitutional rights under the law. Parents across America must ask and search what curriculum is being taught in the classroom, and simply must show up at the school board meetings since we are now in a position where Critical Race Theory has made it’s way into many American schools. And what are these schemes we must look out for? Here is a starting point on what to ask at school board meetings and look for in class curriculum. Are there activities that pull children away from fundamental curriculum around basic subjects such as math, reading and writing, and instead separate children into groups based on race classifying them as the oppressors and the oppressed? Does the curriculum claim that all white people support systemic racism? Do they propose white abolition and claim parents to be “white traitors”? These are absurd theories communicated to impressionable children that have real world examples. We witness these real world examples through whistle blower reports from North Carolina[16], and many other schools and government institutions throughout the country, including the US military[17]. In one instance, a North Carolina teacher made a quiz question that asked what type of voters vote republican and the answer was rich white men. Another major aspect of antiracism programming involves activities which separate students, teachers, or employees by race. For example, the Evanston/Skokie, IL school district instituted antiracist curriculum and education, which resulted in (1) separating administrators in a professional development training groups based on race program into two groups based on race—white and non-white; (2) offering various “racially exclusive affinity groups” that separated students, parents and community members by race; (3) implementing a disciplinary policy that included “explicit direction” to staffers to consider a student’s race when meting out discipline; and (4) carrying out a “Colorism Privilege Walk” that separated seventh and eighth grade students into different groups based on race[18]. Such classroom exercises are repeated offenses from centuries of historical strife that was addressed and successfully delivered under justice through the rule of law.
Concerned citizens must know and use the rule of law to demonstrate how practices under Critical Race Theory violate an individuals Constitutional rights, under the First Amendment[19] (2021) which protects a persons free speech; the Fourteenth Amendment[20] (2021) which provides equal protection under the law; and Civil Rights Act of 1964[21] (2021) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race; and states such as Wisconsin apply the Wisconsin Pupil Nondiscrimination law[22] which enforces pupil nondiscrimination program on matters relating to nondiscrimination and equality of educational opportunity under state law with a complaint and appeal process. James Copland, Director of Legal Policy at the Manhattan Institute, drafted model legislation to prohibit state agencies and public schools from compelling employees and students to believe in the key principles of critical race[23]. In particular, Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects all students who attend institutions receiving federal funding from being treated differently based on their actual or perceived race, color or national origin. It is violation under this law if a person experiences enumerated discriminatory actions, including harassment, which includes slurs, stereotypes, or other hateful conduct. Overall our corporations, and government & educational institutions are beholden to these laws in providing a nondiscriminatory environment that is conducive to learning and working. It further specifies that younger, less mature children are generally more impressionable than older students or adults. Schools that have discriminated on the basis of race will overwhelmingly build racially hostile environment, and ultimately racially hostile outcomes in society. Once parents understand the provisions of the law, there are a multitude of organizations offering support for anonymous reporting and Counsel, such as the Manhattan Institute[24], Parents Rights in Education[25] which will support you with guidelines for taking action.
If we are to put this in the context of history, we look back to the chronicled incidences that turned to the Supreme Court. A test case occurred in 1896 when Adolf Plessy entered a train and sat in a “For Whites” car under Louisiana laws that provided equal but separate accommodations for each race for the comfort of all the passengers. A group of well-to-do blacks raised money and challenged the constitutionality of Fourteenth Amendment. It was Adolph Plessy’s claim after he was discriminated for sitting in an “All White” train car, which was brought to the Supreme Court. Judge Ferguson, of the Criminal District Court of New Orleans found the law constitutional as did the Louisiana Supreme Court in 1896. Seven justices ruled against Plessy, but one, Justice Harlan dissented. He asserted that justice should be color blind and that the enforcement of “separate but equal” interferes with the personal freedoms of individuals by legally forcing separation. Justice Harlan stated, “The destinies of the two races in this country are indissolubly linked together, and the interest of both require that the common government of all shall not permit the seeds of race hate to be planted under the sanction of law[26].” He foresaw that the decision would lead to a pattern of behavior which would be very dangerous and undermine a basic sense of justice[27]. In fact, the outcome of the seeds of injustice resulted in the Jim Crow laws for the next 60 years. It wasn’t until 1954 when black children of elementary school residing in Topeka, Kansas, one of them being Oliver Brown who issued a claim against the Board of Education to desegregate schools between black and white children. This claim was brought to the United States District Court of Kansas to review a case where the school wished to maintain separate school facilities for Black and White students. The three judge District Court found that segregated public schools had a detrimental effect of lower social and academic conditions upon black children. The case was finalized at the Supreme Court, and concluded that in the field of education, the doctrine of “separate but equal” was unacceptable. Segregation is a denial of equal protection of the laws as defined in the 14th Amendment[28] (2021).
Make no mistake, from Adolf Plessy to Oliver Brown, to the thousands of cases that plague our country under the Critical Race Theory practices in schools, corporations and government today, the seeds of hostility are sewn and belong with equality under law once again. We shore up courage to say, do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is your power to act. We present the case with the same argument shared by Justice Harlan for current and future generations to realize that the destinies of the all races in this country are indissolubly linked together, and the interest of shall not permit the seeds of race hate to be planted under a hidden yet deliberate cultural and political force. Such pattern of behavior is very dangerous and undermines a basic sense of justice, resulting in the backlash we have witnessed across the country. This time, we manifest what has been hidden, and turn to equality under the law to preserve our basic equal human rights under God through the United States Constitution.
[1]Oliphant, James and Borter, Gabriella. (2021, June 23). Partisan War over teaching history and racism stokes tensions in US schools. Reuters. Partisan war over teaching history and racism stokes tensions in U.S. schools | Reuters.
[2] McCousland, Phil. (2021, July 1). Teaching critical race theory isn’t happening in classrooms, teachers say in survey. NBC News. Teaching critical race theory isn't happening in classrooms, teachers say in survey (nbcnews.com).
[3] Hemmer, Nicole. (2021, June 18). The right is panicking over Critical Race Theory. CNN. Opinion: The right is panicking over critical race theory - CNN.
[4] Staff, Maciver. (2021, May 25). Critical Race Theory in Wisconsin K12 Education. MacIver Institute. Critical Race Theory In Wisconsin K12 Education | MacIver Institute.
[5]George, Janel. (2021, 2021, January 11). A Lesson on Critical Race Theory. American Bar Association. A Lesson on Critical Race Theory (americanbar.org)
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[22]Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Pupil Nondiscrimination Program. Pupil Nondiscrimination Program | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
[23] Bad Education: Department of Education-funded organization Conference Calls for “Abolition” of American Institutions. (September 10, 2020). Bad Education (christopherrufo.com)
[24] The Manhattan Institute. (2021, June 17). Woke Schooling: A Toolkit for Concerned Parents. Woke Schooling: A Toolkit for Concerned Parents | Manhattan Institute (manhattan-institute.org).
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[26] Yale New Haven Teachers Institute. (2021). From Plessy v. Ferguson to Brown v. Board of Education: The Supreme Court Rules on School Desegregation. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
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