The objective of this initiative is to bring awareness to the community about the Cedarburg Diversity Commitee (aka Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commitee) and recommended action.
Update 9/7/2023
No update. Continue to monitor activity.
Update 8/10/2023
The City of Cedarburg updated the website. Per the information below, we noted that in July of 2020 a Diversity Commitee was established per Ordinance 2020-10; however, somewhere along the line, the website/mission was changed to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commitee. The members of the Diversity Commitee were pushing to officially change the name of the committee from the Diversity Commitee to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commitee. Last week the original URL link to the Diversity Commitee was removed (i.e. Page Not Found) and a new page was created.
You will notice:
It is important to continue to monitor all aspects of our local government and you should continue to do so. Thank you everyone for all the feedback and information you provided.
Next Cedarburg Common Council meeting August 14, 2023.
DEI is Dead
Only a few years ago Diversity, Equity and Inclusion was the rage. Businesses, schools and other institutions were hiring DEI directors and implementing programs at an alarming rate. Now, the trend is moving in the opposite direction. All you need to do is search "DEI is dead" and you will find an abundance of articles and studies showing why this political doctrine is dying. The bottom line is that DEI is racist at its core and divisive in nature, so it doesn't work. Recent US Supreme court rulings such as the end of affirmative action in college admission only accelerate this positive trend.
Background Information
Additional Note - Port Washington
Port Washington has a "Diversity & Inclusion Committee" which was established October 20, 2020 via Resolution 2020-14. It appears the last meeting for this committee was November 2021 indicating it may be in remission, but vigilance is required.
DEI Materials
"Diversity has come to mean an identity-based approach to society, a call for quotas, which are unconstitutional and antithetical to American ideals. Alignment to the political orthodoxy of the Left hides behind it. If we have learned anything in the past few days, it is that diversity as defined by the Left does not include Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. It does not include Martin Brown. Equity, perhaps the worst corruption, enjoins government and the private sector to treat Americans differently because of their race, country of origin, or other immutable characteristics. It promises equal outcomes, an old Marxist idea, not equal opportunity, the American ideal. It is now the functional opposite of equal treatment. Inclusion also means the opposite of its original definition. People espousing the wrong ideas are excluded and canceled from public debate. Just ask the kids wearing the pro-life hats who were told to remove them or get out when visiting a taxpayer-funded Smithsonian Museum. All these ideas are now entrenched in our cultural institutions." Written by Kevin Brown, President of the Heritage Foundation. Click here for complete article.
The Marxist Roots of DEI - Session 1 Equity| James Lindsay
The Marxist Roots of DEI - Session 2 Diversity| James Lindsay
The Marxist Roots of DEI - Session 3 Inclusion| James Lindsay
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